Chinook Hops

$3.00$37.00 exc. GST

SKU: N/A Category:


(11.8% AA) USA Origin. Primarily for bittering. Occasionally used for aroma. Gives Herbal or Smoky flavors. Substitute for Nugget or Columbus. Apparently, used in Stone’s Arrogant Bastard Ale.

$3.00 per 0.5 0z (14g)

$5.50 per 1.0 oz (28g)

$9.00 per 2 oz (56g)

$20.00 per 5 oz (140g)

$37.00 per 10 oz (280g)

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0.5 oz (14g), 1.0 oz (28g), 2 oz (56g), 5 oz (140g), 10 oz (280g)


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